Secret War At Home, The Pine Grove Furnace Prisoner of War Interrogation Camp

Price: $22.00


John Paul Bland, Cumberland County Historical Society, Foreword by Rick Atkinson

2006, 100 pages, Soft Cover

ISBN 0-9785645-1-0 $22.00

In Cooke township in southwestern Cumberland County, Pennsylvania, there is a 200-acre area that has been witness to a unique set of historical events over the past 220 years. This book focuses on the five-year period from 1942 – 1946 when a secret military operation as conducted there. The book also examines the other uses related to the site – an 18th and 19th century farm, the CCC (Civilian Conservation Corps camp) and Camp Michaux, a church youth camp. Each of these events and uses is inextricably related to the previous activity at the site. None of the events that occurred during the 20th century would have happened without the presence of the iron industry in the area in the 18th  and 19th centuries.

Additional information

Weight0.55 lbs
Dimensions10 × 7 × .38 in