FULL – Oddfellows Building Tour

History on High - The Shop 33 W High St, Carlisle, PA, United States

September 3, 10 a.m. AND 1 p.m., meet at History on High – The Shop Led by David Smith. Please R.S.V.P. in advance as there is a 25 person maximum. Cost: Members Free; Non-members $5

Trolleys of Carlisle Walking Tour

Cumberland County Historical Society 21 N. Pitt Street, Carlisle, PA, United States

Led by Randy Watts. At one time Carlisle was the hub of three trolley lines radiating to Newville, Mount Holly Springs, Harrisburg and the West Shore. This six-block walking tour will give an overview of the tracks, share the history of when they were built, and their role in the history of Cumberland County. Please […]

French and Indian War Walking Tour

G.B. Stuart History Workshop 29 W. High St., Carlisle, United States

Join the Cumberland County Historical Society and the War Peace and Justice Symposium for a French and Indian War walking tour of Carlisle that will highlight locations that played a role in the French and Indian War or were significant to French and Indian War participants such as homes or final resting places in the […]

Carlisle’s Industrial End Walking Tour

Cumberland County Historical Society 21 N. Pitt Street, Carlisle, PA, United States

Led by Randy Watts. The East End of Carlisle was home to Carlisle’s first large industrial enterprises, the sole survivor of which is the Frog Switch Manufacturing Company. This walk, of about six blocks, will discuss the development of industries here from the 1860s to the present. We’ll visit the site of the Chain Works, […]

Wartime Leadership: An Interview with George Washington

Cumberland County Historical Society 21 N. Pitt Street, Carlisle, PA, United States

Step back in time for the moment, and join LTG (Ret.) James Dubik, USA, author of Just War Reconsidered:  Strategy, Ethics, and Theory and Colonel George Washington (Daniel Cross - a full-time first-person interpreter) for a glimpse of Washington’s experience as a young officer “citizen-soldier” and what forged his character to become the icon we […]

Wartime Leadership: An Interview with George Washington

Cumberland County Historical Society 21 N. Pitt Street, Carlisle, PA, United States

Step back in time for the moment, and join LTG (Ret.) James Dubik, USA, author of Just War Reconsidered:  Strategy, Ethics, and Theory and Colonel George Washington (Daniel Cross - a full-time first-person interpreter) for a glimpse of Washington’s experience as a young officer “citizen-soldier” and what forged his character to become the icon we […]

When the Forest Ran Red Commentary

Cumberland County Historical Society 21 N. Pitt Street, Carlisle, PA, United States

Dr. David Preston will present a commentary on the film When the Forest Ran Red at the Cumberland County Historical Society, Todd Hall. His commentary will analyze the war and how the varying societies of the colonial British, colonial French, and Native Americans reacted to the events taking place. His analysis will incorporate some of […]

The Other Face of Battle

Cumberland County Historical Society 21 N. Pitt Street, Carlisle, PA, United States

Dr. David Preston will present a more detailed look at the theme of his book The Other Face of Battle. In, this presentation he will look at American Experience in Combat, as expressed through America’s Forgotten Wars. The French and Indian War is prominent in this respect of an American “Forgotten War”.

Headstone Cleaning Tutorial

Led by Carmen James at the Bonny Brook cemetery located on Bonny Brook Road about 1/2 mile south of Spring Garden Street on the left side of the road. At the bottom of the first hill. About 30 feet off the road.

The Paranormal Investigation of the Odd Fellows Hall w/ Pasadena Paranormal

Cumberland County Historical Society 21 N. Pitt Street, Carlisle, PA, United States

In July, the Pasadena Paranormal Team investigated the Odd Fellows Hall in Carlisle, PA.   To kick off October, the Cumberland County Historical Society is partnering with Pasadena Paranormal to present their findings in a multimedia presentation and Q&A session on Saturday October 1st from 2:00 – 4:00 pm. The program will include a brief history […]