Train Exhibit Opening

Todd Hall 21 N. Pitt St., Carlisle, PA, United States

Join us for the opening of our 2023 exhibit Railroading in the Valley open through the end of the year. RSVP Here:

Camp Michaux Clean Up

Cumberland County Historical Society 21 N. Pitt Street, Carlisle, PA, United States

Volunteers should meet at the Bunker Hill Road parking area off of Michaux Road at 9:00 am.  Bring shovels, rakes, loppers, saws and a chain saw if you have one.  The Michaux State Forest personnel have done some work with downed trees, but there is still a lot of work to do to clear winter […]

Two Mile House Workday

Cumberland County Historical Society 21 N. Pitt Street, Carlisle, PA, United States

Help us tidy Two Mile House before we start the 2023 rental season!

CVRR Railtrail: Its History in the Development of the Cumberland Valley and its Re-Creation as a Railtrail Treasure

Cumberland Valley Railroad/Railtrail: Its History in the Development of the Cumberland Valley and its Re-Creation as a Railtrail Treasure Come to hear how the Cumberland Valley Railroad developed the area, how it was abandoned when no longer useful as a rail transport, how it was reclaimed as a local recreational treasure and a lineal pollinator […]

Iron Horse Rambles Talk

Cumberland County Historical Society 21 N. Pitt Street, Carlisle, PA, United States

Professional photographer and life-long railfan Jim Bradley documented 19 of the Reading Company's “Iron Horse Rambles” in the early 1960s.  Jim Bradley's photos of the Iron Horse Rambles, now available in a CCHS publication, will be presented by CCHS Photo Archives volunteer, George Johnson. RSVP Here:

Playing in the Past: History and Digital Gaming

Todd Hall 21 N. Pitt St., Carlisle, PA, United States

Worldwide, over three billion people play video games. Some of the best-known digital products have been history-based experiences. How do they affect our perceptions of the past? Can we use games as a way to create new conversations about historical events? John Heckman, the tattooed historian, addresses these questions. RSVP Here:

Union Cemetery Clean-Up

West of Franklin and at the end of G Street in Carlisle. Join a community effort to clean-up Union Cemetery. RSVP Here:

Ross Braught: Man of Imagination

Todd Hall 21 N. Pitt St., Carlisle, PA, United States

Ross Eugene Braught (1898-1983), once considered one of the premier artists of mid-twentieth century America, fell into  relative obscurity upon his death. Recent exhibitions of his works and the publication of the book, Ross Eugene Braught: Man of Imagination, has created a renewed interest in his art placing him in the spotlight again. Braught spent […]

World War II Memories: The Book Series

Todd Hall 21 N. Pitt St., Carlisle, PA, United States

Award-winning author and journalist Joseph David Cress will talk about his four-book series World War II Memories and will share some of the stories of veterans who fought Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan. Copies of his books will be on sale in Todd Hall starting at 5:30. Lecture will begin at 6. RSVP Here:

Life on the Rails: the Story of a CVRR Engineer

This presentation by Kevin Talhelm is based on the article "James Talhelm 1840-1921: The Story of An Engineer," which was published in the 2020 Cumberland County Historical Society Journal. This presentation is filled with short stories of train accidents and near misses experienced by James throughout his career. RSVP Here:

Expanding Your Horizons and Finding Historical Connections through Travel

Local author and world traveler, Sherry Knowlton, talks about how her journeys around the country and the globe have broadened her approach to both her writing and her life in general. She’ll discuss how reading about the world outside her childhood home in Southcentral Pennsylvania launched a lifelong quest to see the places, people, and […]