Visionary Road to the Capital, The Little-Known Life of John Harris, Jr.

Todd Hall 21 N. Pitt St., Carlisle, PA, United States

David Biser who is the official John Harris Jr. for the Historical Society of Dauphin County and the city of Harrisburg PA will speak on speak on our important neighbor. John Harris was born on the banks of the Susquehanna River. He lived from 1727-1791 and was an influential figure during the French and Indian […]

Year End Tax Planning Workshop

Todd Hall 21 N. Pitt St., Carlisle, PA, United States

It’s that time of year again. Come join Attorney Alvin Blitz, as he reviews the current year-end tax and estate planning strategies for 2024. Don’t miss out on this informative session. Alvin is a member of the CCHS Board of Trustees. He just retired from 22 years has the Director of Gift Planning for the […]

Camp Michaux Walking Tour

David Smith will lead the popular Camp Michaux walking tour of the old Bunker Hill Farm; Pine Grove Furnace CCC Camp; Pine Grove Furnace POW Interrogation Camp; and finally the United Church of Christ & United Presbyterian Church Camp. Meet at the furnace in Pine Grove State Park. Cost: $10/member; $15/nonmember; $5/school-age-children Purchase Tickets Here

Quirky Carlisle Book Signing

Come join us for a book signing at History on High: "Quirky Carlisle: Stunning Tales and Strange Goings-On", the latest book by Joseph David Cress.

Colonial Washington and Me

Todd Hall 21 N. Pitt St., Carlisle, PA, United States

The J. Sherwood McGinnis, Jr. War, Peace, and Justice Project and the Carlisle Bridge Builders present author Jeffrey E. Finegan, Sr. and first-person historical interpreters George Washington and his enslaved valet, William Lee, for a story that needs to be told — one of loyalty, friendship, and slavery during war and peace. Also at Bosler […]

Babes in the Woods Talk

Todd Hall 21 N. Pitt St., Carlisle, PA, United States

90 years ago this November, bodies found near Pine Grove Furnace led to a national search for their identity and the reasons behind their deaths. Historian and author of “The Babes in the Woods Story,” David Smith, will give a talk with new findings on this topic. RSVP Here:

Red Cross Blood Drive

Todd Hall 21 N. Pitt St., Carlisle, PA, United States

Autumn leaves are falling, and the American Red Cross is calling. Now is a great time to give back to hospital patients by donating blood. NOV. 18-DEC. 8: All who […]

2nd Annual Holiday House Tour

Ticket Sales CLOSED. Celebrate the Holidays with CCHS on a guided Bus Tour featuring the following locations: Cumberland Hall (Carlisle) Stuart Manor (Carlisle) Mt. Tabor Church (Mt. Holly Springs) Rendezvous […]

Holiday Thank You

Our final 150th anniversary event and a thank you to all our volunteers and supporters! RSVP Here:

Jim Cheney Meet and Greet

History on High - The Shop 33 W High St, Carlisle, PA, United States

With photographer Jim Cheney of Uncovering PA at History on High. RSVP Here: